Political Pixie Categories Any use of video from the past two years, in any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign including the use of digital videography. Any use of graphic design and print materials from the past two years, used for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. Any Direct Mail piece from the past two years used for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. Any use of photography in any medium from the past two years, including but not limited to video, TV, broadcasting, collateral, made for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. Any website or website features from the past two years, used for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. Any phone, radio or commercial audio from the past two years used for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. Any digital piece used from the past two years for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. Any collateral from the past two years used for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign, including but not limited to door hangers, billboards, logos, yard signs, brochures. Any fundraising piece from the past two years used for any Political/Legislative/Ballot Initiative Campaign. ENTER NOW Poitical Pixie CategoriesComing January 2024 REMIND ME: Sign up with your email address to receive important updates and reminders for approaching dates. First Name Last Name Email Address Sign Up We respect your privacy. Thank you for being a part of the Pixie Awards!